From Passion to Profit
Last night Rob and I unveiled the first Phase of our soon to be released “Blogging 4 Business” program. We had a blast clearing the ground and laying the foundation for online business success.
And I think it’s safe to say that we “blew them away.”
As a way of saying “thanks” we’re giving them a little “link love.” So check out their sites when you get a chance…
- Kim Kasparian, the Success Genie
- Angelus, The One Matrix
- Chris Gaunya, Acupuncturist
- Kathy McAfee, The Marketing Motivator
Now, let’s chat a bit about the seminar in particular and the program in general.
This was no rehashing the same old garbage you find online. We’re talking about cutting edge approaches, developing a business mindset, marketing realities just not discussed anywhere else.
And we have to warn you, when we release portions of the audio and video clips (here and elsewhere) some people are going to be shocked by what they hear!
It won’t be because Rob said it was alright if I used some foul language from time to time (well, okay, more than a few times)! i couldn’t help myself — I got carried away. Where I come from, foul language is like an exclamation point!
No, the real reason for some of the shock will be because of the CONTENT that we released to some close friends and associates. Some “no holds barred” NAKED REALITY. Yes, you read that right…
Quite simply, our goal was to cut through all the clutter to get to the FOUNDATION of internet success so that YOU can apply these proven techniques and principles for your own business.
You see, one problem most folks have when they turn online to find out how to grow their business online is the lack of credible information and resources available.
Previously, here’s what you had as possible “solutions”…
- SEO “experts” du-jour taking your money, and sharing no insights with you…
- PPC “experts” taking your money while structuring YOUR PPC campaigns to fail… because their 20% override on your ad budget means that the “Google penalty” puts more of YOUR money in THEIR pocket…
- tons of “Get rich quick” stuff on how to be an “affiliate marketer” when all you want to know is how to get more leads and business from online
Not exactly a recipe for success, in our humble opinion.
In fact, Kim remarked that she was sick of getting the daily emails from “gurus” pushing one affiliate marketing program after another…
Anyway, there are just a few points I wanted to share with you today…
If the feedback we received last night (and continuing today) is any indicator, we’re going to sell out quick.
After fielding questions and responding to feedback, we decided to GIVE AWAY the first phase of our program. You read that right. We’re going to give away all the material we unveiled last night.
What does this include? How about…
- The first part of the program guide
- The Process Map (Phase 1 only)
- The Worksheets & Tipsheets
- The audios from last night (once they are ready)
- The videos from the seminar
This material, on it’s own, could easily sell for $129 (or more). And to be honest with you, Rob and I haven’t even set the price for the entire program yet.
So what does this mean for you?
Well, be sure to come back from time to time as we get ready to release the free part of our program. We’ll be releasing more news and details here, so stay tuned. And if you want to get on our announcement list for when it’s ready for release, kindly leave your name and email below…
Next Steps…
Any questions? Comments? Did we hit a nerve?
Drop us a line by leaving a comment. We will reply (here, and by email if you’d like) as soon as we’re able. And if there’s a topic you want us to discuss, let us know.
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