When it comes to internet marketing FADS come and go.
TRENDS, however — when real — offer you new opportunities to market your business online.
Finally there are tried and true methods for marketing your business online that are, sadly for you, more often than not overlooked.
Article marketing falls into that camp.
And yet, a well thought conceived campaign is an evergreen source of marketing capable of attracting a reliable and steady stream of new visitors to your website month in and month out.
So how does it work?
Article Marketing Overview
Let me start off with a real-life example. ONE article published back in August of 2008 has generated 1123 visitors (and counting) to ONE website targeting ONE keyword.
What’s more, it has been on the first page of Google (#2 position) for more than 17 months (last time I looked) and generates recurring revenue for my business.
The best part is that this one 350 word article took little more than an hour to write. And has only been edited 3 or 4 times in more than 2 years.
That, my friend, is how article marketing works.
You do the work once (or hire someone to do it) and get paid over and over again.
So what are the components of a properly executed article marketing strategy?
They are:
All three must work together to ensure a success campaign for your business. The first two involve client/customer targeting AND effective placement with the search engines (Google).
The final component is CRITICAL in getting readers of the article to click on over to your site to learn more, become a lead, or buy from your website.
Here’s an example that will prove to you the results a properly executed web-ready article can get for you.
Go to Google and type in “Costco Merchant Services.” That article was written in mid 2008, and as of this writing is #2 on the first page, right behind Costco.
Since early 2009 it has been either #1, #2 or #3 on Google’s first page, generating traffic and leads on a consistent basis.
That’s what we call ever-green traffic.
A single article, done the right way, can create a revenue stream for your business 24/7/365.
What Can Article Marketing Can Do For You?
A properly written article acts like a virtual sales person, working 24/7 to promote your business.
And any article created for you really is a business asset because you own the content. That means you can re-direct the website traffic to any site you want.
To get started today to discover how article marketing can improve your online business, simply call for a “no strings attached” phone consultation.
Call 888-542-2936 Today!
That’s it.
I will personally call you back to schedule a mutually convenient time to discuss your web sales, goals, and long-term plans.
And if it makes sense for the both of us to pursue a working relationship, we’ll decide together.
Order Your Web-Ready Articles Today…
Simply use the payment button below.
Once your payment has been received you will be directed back to our website where you can provide us with additional details regarding the articles you would like us to create for you…