The Most Valuable Real-Estate On Your Website Is…
Whatever is Visible Above the FOLD!
So what does “above the fold” mean?
And how will knowing this term improve your website’s “bounce rate?”
The term comes from direct response marketing when folks would send out sales letters.
As you might imagine, the “fold” referred to that part of the sales letter visible when someone opened their mail.
The point? To get your reader’s (or web visitor’s) attention.
Now, for internet marketers, the term refers to…
That part of your website visible to your web-visitor
without them scrolling down the page.
Meaning, what people immediately see on your website is the parts that CAN be seen without more effort. If you don’t get them to stop and look further you lost them.
Possible for good!
If someone has to scroll down to look at your site in order to see what you are selling, asking them to do (your call to action), or what they came to your site looking for (the reason they are at your site in the first place), then you have some work ahead of you.
We have seen many websites that have missed this point. Big-time!
Websites with HUGE Banners or Title Images.
Come on people, let’s get real here.
Your huge banner may impress the heck out of you.
It may even look real professional and good to you. And it may even deserve a few more seconds looking of attention… but if that is all you have going for you your site won’t last very long.
For example, check this out…
I had to keep the image small, but literally 70% of this website’s “above the fold” space is wasted on the header.
Let me say that again… WASTED.
Another point you want to consider is whether or not your website passes the “3 second rule.”
So what is the 3 second rule (and we don’t mean food falling on the floor)?
Which if you read about it you will come to understand what is most important to you is NOT what is important to your visitors in most cases.
Think about it. Just ask yourself these questions:
- When YOU visit a website, why did you go there?
- What are you looking for?
- What keeps you there?
- What grabs your attention
- And why?
Now apply that insight to your own website. Except, instead of being “in love” with your site, view your site AS IF you were a potential customer or client.
Be brutally honest here.
Owning a website is NOT about having a huge ego (unless you are a closet blogger, basically “blogging in the dark.”
If you are like most people we know, you are using your site to generate more leads and/or sales for your business. At least, that’s the goal, right?
Now, if you don’t think you are capable of viewing your website objectively, then have someone visit your site and answer those questions for you.
Getting honest answers will give you a better understanding of what you website is really doing for you.
Remember your website is not just there to look pretty, it has to do something for the people visiting.
Give them what they want by NOT distracting or hiding what makes your website worth the time they spent to find you. And if you do this, they will keep coming back for more…
Are You Ready for a Website X-Ray?
Perhaps the best way to get started is to register for one of our complimentary internet marketing coaching calls. To learn more and to sign up to claim your free 30 minute session with us, click on the link and read the brief overview.
Sign up instructions will be listed on the page as well.
Or you can leave a comment here with your URL and we’ll do a quick “spotlight” checking to see if you are using your “prime real estate” in the best manner possible.
And this includes…
- Using a headline
- Giving the web visitor something “actionable” to do above the fold
Let us know what you think is important on your website, leave your comments and tell us what you know is the most valuable real-estate on your home page.
And be sure to get your 30 minute consultation now because slots are filling up fast!