If you’ve been following our weekly series lately, this week’s topic should come as no surprise: reaching your target audience.
Target marketing has been a buzz word for more than a few years. Yet, time and again there are folks who nod their head in agreement when we discuss reaching the right audience, then fail to understand the concept.
How do we know? Because after a few questions it becomes abundantly clear that they are NOT targeting their ideal customer or client profile. So let’s discuss…
Your Marketing Message: Reaching the Right Audience
Here’s a great example of how badly folks get this point…
A few years ago at a business networking event, I asked a sales person who his ideal customer was. The reason? Well, if I knew who he was hoping to meet, it would be much easier to refer him possible customers.
His answer was “everybody.” Not much help there.
So I asked one more time, saying “what does your best customer look like? Who are they?”
His answer? A stunned expression. He really had no idea.
So what is the key? To be SPECIFIC. Listen to today’s audio to discover why…
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