Why do some websites “work” while others don’t, even after getting a page 1 listing on Google? It’s because few people take an editorial approach to web design. That’s right. Your website is not a placeholder for your logo and focusing on graphics and colors at the expense of language pretty much guarantees you a […]
Lead Generation
How to Close More Leads
I have been involved in online lead generation since 2008. In fact, my first big client had me run (after fixing) their national lead campaign that resulted in more than 50 leads a month (each worth $120 for their business) for about a year. And even before starting Success Marketing, LLC I was on the […]
Why Content Marketing Works
In a previous audio (and post) I replied to a client question about how to increase your site’s traffic. And yes, the moral of the story was to create more content. But one thing that I didn’t mention in that previous post / audio was the cumulative effect of creating and sharing content… provided you […]
Marketing vs Sales
Why are people so uncomfortable about “selling” when it comes to running their business? In this audio I discuss the difference between marketing vs sales, and address some common root causes that make folks uncomfortable about “selling” with respect to running their business. The goal? To shift your mindset, and attitudes, about marketing so that […]
How to Improve Conversion Rate for Your Website
On this audio I share tips for how to create compelling content for your website. Doing this right will do more than bring in more targeting traffic. It will also improve conversion rate, for the simple reason that there will be a direction correlation between the search term (or terms) that brought folks to your […]
Are You Focusing on the Right Things?
I’m sure you’ve heard the expression that insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result.” Part of my frustration when working with new clients is their continued stubborn focus on all the wrong (i.e. non-essential) things when it comes to site. And by extension their business… even after […]