I recently had the pleasure of working with a new coaching client named Susan. She teaches quilting classes and wants to promote her classes and sell her products on her website. To give you some background, Susan was referred to us from another “quilter” (Dee) who wanted to sell custom quilted bags online without spending […]
Web Marketing Services
A Comparison Between Online and Offline Marketing
Or… why joining a Chamber of Commerce could be a waste of your time. No, really. Let me explain. If you are starting a business, OR you have little discretionary funds to spend on marketing then chambers of commerce are the last places you need to be at. Why is that? Well, there are THREE […]
The Truth About Facebook Marketing
Do you remember the old Faberge shampoo TV commercial that described you telling two friends about it, “and so on, and so on.” YouTube has a version of the commercial available here. Before long the TV screen was filled with little thumbnails of people showing the simple multiplicative power of “telling two friends.” So what […]
Writing for the Web: How to Maximize Web Page Content
How can Martin Buber’s treatment of the “I–Thou” relationship help you write better copy for the web? “Martin who?” you might be asking. Ok, so Martin Buber is not a house-hold name. And web marketing didn’t even exist when he wrote his ground-breaking book “I and Thou” back in 1958. Yet, his treatment of human […]
Why Keyword Research is Essential for Your Online Success
Let’s face it… if you have been reading articles here for some time now you already know this is one of my favorite topics to discuss. For me this topic never gets old. And it is no exaggeration to claim that I an one of the top internet marketing experts for keyword research AND implementation. […]
Yes… You Can Really Make Money Online
Provided that you follow THREE (3) simple rules from the start. What are they? Before outlining and discussing how these rules affect EVERYTHING you do online you’ll need some “back story” to help you understand why and where I’m coming from in this article. Let me explain… How to Make Money Online Recently I responded […]