And Why It Threatens Everything You Do Online! The number one reason why businesses are online is… to grow their business. And in today’s world of social networks and instant access, a big part of that is through building a good name for yourself. We’re talking about your online reputation. And for your business to […]
success marketing
Google, Blogs and the Democratization of the Internet (part 2)
In a previous post we discussed how search engines really MADE the internet. Prior to that, you needed a techie friend to act as your guide. Otherwise, you were literally lost in a meaningless sea. So what does all this mean for blogs… and your business? Glad you asked… Blog 101 Understand this. Blogs are […]
Google, Blogs and the Democratization of the Internet (part 1)
So, what do Google and Blogs have in common? As many of you know, Google celebrated its tenth anniversary this year. And as I drink my morning coffee from my Google coffee cup, it seemed appropriate to make a link and draw some conclusions to where, in my humble opinion, I think the future of […]
What’s In a (Web) Name? Avoid These Critical Mistakes
I have to tell you right up front, that I’m a little ticked off. No, it’s not that a bunch of folks didn’t register IN ADVANCE for the live seminar. That was partly my fault. I failed to mention that there was no registration at the door. As my buddy Mark likes to say, there’s […]
Image vs. Content… What Really Matters? (part 2)
It’s time to pick up a theme from a few weeks back, when we first discussed the question of what matters more to your website (and business). For those who may have missed the first installment of “Image vs. Content,” you may want to take a moment to review what we’ve already discussed (though we’ll […]
Is Your Blog on a Roll?
Last Friday I had the opportunity to give a 15 minute presentation concerning Google 2.0 (and Web 2.0) changes to a group of Action Coach clients. The talk, to say the least, was well received. We even had a good time, if you can believe it. One of the topics that came up was the […]