I look forward to hosting your website for you.
Did I recently update your website?
If I recently updated your new website you should be “good to go.”
This means your site has been up and running for about a month now and nothing more is required at this time. And please be aware that I am available to handle routine maintenance for you as well. Simply send an email to: when you have questions or concerns.
Looking for better web hosting?
If you would like me to handle your web hosting needs here’s a few things we need to iron out before I can complete the transfer of your domain to your servers.
- contact domain name registrar (where you bought your URL)
- set up your website on our server
- contact registrar to change DNS (i.e. nameservers) once website migration is complete
In the meantime, since I’m going to host your website have you considered getting a “Google-friendly” website as well? Please click the link for more information. In the meantime, I will contact you shortly regarding the timeline for getting your site moved over to my servers.