Is there a “secret formula” for getting more business from your website? A special template? “Magic” emails that “convert like crazy?” Let’s get real… of course not. Nothing works that way. In order to EXPERIENCE online success it comes down to… Questions or comments? Want more helpful audios or videos? If so leave a comment […]
Why Asking Yourself Why is So Important
Are you happy with how well your website is performing? Look, getting better results than you are right now starts with asking a key question – why. For example, over the past 19 months I have been purchasing leads for my business. In the first 2 months I only signed up ONE person. Now I’m converting […]
3 Web Design Flaws that Sabotage Your Online Success
Getting more leads through your website, or selling more products online, comes down to three (3) essential building blocks — what I call the “Lead Gen Triangle.” They are: traffic web design copy First, you need to get found. However, once people find your site you need a design that helps people stay there, rather […]
How to Get Traffic to Your Blog
You’ve written a killer blog post. Or posted an awesome audio. Now what? Clearly you want folks to read what you have to say (or hear what you’ve said). So how do you get more people to visit your site, read your post or interact with your content? Here are a few ways to do […]
How to Lower Bounce Rate
Does your site experience a “higher than normal” bounce rate? And are you interested in knowing how to lower bounce rate for your website? If so there are a few important factors to keep in mind. For example, a high bounce rate can be caused by: poor keyword targeting bad site design having an “old” […]
What is Your Web Marketing Strategy?
If I asked you about your web marketing strategy could you give me an answer? Look, I don’t mean to put you on the spot. But the reality when it comes to marketing your business or practice online is that most people (i.e. 99%) think TACTICALLY, rather than STRATEGICALLY. So what’s the difference? Tactical steps […]