What is the KEY to your online success? Well, I’ll give you three guesses. Seriously, ALL website traffic depends on getting your keywords right. It doesn’t matter if your traffic is: free (organic) paid (pay per click) or social (tags, anyone) Just about ALL of your website traffic depends on the keywords you have CHOSEN […]
Web Marketing Minute: Google Cred.
This may come as no surprise to many of you, but landing on the first page of Google can have a dramatic impact on your business. And your bottom line. You may not know, however, why it has some a dramatic effect… What is Google Credibility? There is one caveat, however. Getting on the first […]
Your Web Marketing Minute: Building Your Business Asset
Why do you have a website? What is the intended purpose for your website? How are you currently using it? Building a Business Asset Most business owners we meet, when confronted with these questions, have no idea what we are driving at. And believe it or not, that’s a huge problem for their business. For […]
Postcard Marketing: Three Success Tips
There are many ways to generate traffic to your business and website. In this article we’ll discuss one strategy that can be very EFFECTIVE for your bottom line. If it’s done correctly. That strategy to focus on today is… Postcard Marketing Tips To help with our discussion, special thanks goes out to a friend of […]
Your Web Marketing Minute – The Sales Process
When you come right down to it, success or failure in business revolve around one key factor. What is it, you ask? Having (or not having) a documented sales process in place for your business is the key to your business success. In my opinion, it is the single most important factor for your business. […]
Web Marketing Minute: Your Target Audience
If you’ve been following our weekly series lately, this week’s topic should come as no surprise: reaching your target audience. Target marketing has been a buzz word for more than a few years. Yet, time and again there are folks who nod their head in agreement when we discuss reaching the right audience, then fail […]