When it comes to effective blog marketing, the number one rule of thumb for using a blogsite to market your business is to find ways to create new effective content in a time efficient manner. And if you’ve been doing this for a while (i.e. > 6 months) you already know what a challenge this […]
Blog Marketing
10 Essential Tips for How to Write a Blog Post
I first turned to blogs as a cost-effective way to market my business back in late 2007. And after managing more than a dozen blogs at the moment (both my own and for clients), coming up with easy blog posting ideas and tips over the years has become much more than a time-management necessity. It […]
Pay Per Click Marketing Versus Organic Traffic
Listen, there’s a lot of buzz (i.e. hype) regarding social media. And people are in a frenzy trying to “cash in” on the craze. This typically means, by the way, running around like a chicken with your head cut off signing up, plugging in, and confusing effort with effectiveness. Now, before we launch in to […]
Your Number One Online Marketing Challenge Is…
thinking of your efforts online AS marketing. What am I getting at? Let me explain… Most people seem to view their website as just a virtual version of a business card. In fact, many times people tell me that their website is an “online brochure” or some other such nonsense. Now, you don’t have to […]
Seven Blog Post Ideas You Can Use Today
You could call this article “how to repurpose old blog posts and make them new again.” No doubt the single biggest challenge with having a blog is coming up with new stuff to say (or write). And as someone who has been writing for blogs since early 2008 (not ancient history, but not a “newbie” […]
How to Increase Blog Traffic
If you have a blog (or any other website) it goes without saying that the greatest challenge is getting a consistent flow of traffic to your site. To make matters more difficult for you, information online gets old (obsolete) real fast. For example, in checking out other sites online I found some articles offering tips […]