Why do most business websites fail to generate meaningful results? It’s simple. Because they fail to address one — or all three — keys for marketing your business or professional practice online. Getting this right is a game-changer for getting more customers or clients for your business or practice… Let’s talk There are three ways […]
Web Marketing Services
Why Using WordPress as a Website Matters
Since 2008 I’ve been using WordPress for all of my websites. In fact, WordPress sites have been responsible for generating more than 7800 leads online for myself and for clients. They are Google-friendly, easy to work with and update, look professional and give you a website that you can actually use for your business or […]
Tips on Creating a Website for Your Business
Do you need to set up a new website, or update an existing one for your business? When it comes to “getting your name out there” online how can you know that the site you’re about to complete will ultimately work for you? Whether you’re getting started for the first time or you’re ready to […]
Inside Google Analytics
You probably already know that tracking WHERE your web visitors are coming from, and seeing WHAT they interact with on your website, is a necessary first step to improve how well your site works for you. And hopefully you already have Google Analytics (or some other tracking software) installed on your website. If so, good […]
Do You Have a Mobile Ready Website?
Having a Google friendly website involves more these days than simply adding the right keywords to your site and getting quality backlinks to your site. Sure, that’s still an important, dare I say critical, step. But it’s only a FIRST step. That’s because these days SEO (i.e. getting the right traffic to your site) involves […]
Can Updating Your Website Really Pay Off?
Can making a change to your website actually pay dividends when it comes to leads or sales? The short answer is… that depends. Now, before we go any further I have to point out that one of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to their website is changing something for the sake of […]