Does your site experience a “higher than normal” bounce rate? And are you interested in knowing how to lower bounce rate for your website? If so there are a few important factors to keep in mind. For example, a high bounce rate can be caused by: poor keyword targeting bad site design having an “old” […]
Web Marketing Services
Powerball, Web Marketing and Your Website
Okay, this audio might appear a bit off topic. After all, what does the buzz surrounding this past week’s record setting Powerball estimated payout have to do with your website and web marketing? Well, there’s a big difference between waiting for luck and making progress towards your goals. And it starts with having a purpose. […]
Tips for Creating Effective Content
Time and again people share with me how they create content but nothing “happens.” Either they aren’t getting found on Google, or when folks do find their content they don’t call the office or fill out a web form. Why is that? Well, effective content marketing isn’t just about creating content. It’s about creating content […]
3 Tips for Writing a Blog Post
Clients often ask me about how to get better when it comes to writing a blog post. Since I been writing, editing and publishing blog posts for clients and for my own websites since 2008 – and typically publish 300 to 400 blog posts a year –you could say I know a thing or two […]
How Online Content Marketing Works
On this audio I answer a question that a client recently asked about online content marketing, and specifically on how it could work for him. In fact, here’s his question… “Since I don’t really know what works in the content marketing game is why I am asking you what you want me to talk about […]
Wednesday Web Marketing Minute 4 – Consistency of Effort
In this installment of the web marketing minute I challenge you to move away from sporadic (or “panic attack”) marketing and instead move toward ongoing marketing. In other words, marketing your business or practice should be an essential function of running your business day in and day out. Questions or comments? Want more helpful audios […]