Looking for reliable information about how to create backlinks to your site? During this audio I’ll share with you the ONLY way to easily create backlinks to your site… for FREE. That’s right! The best (and more reliable) way to create Google-friendly backlinks is shared on this short audio, so check it out… The key? […]
Are You Focusing on the Right Things?
I’m sure you’ve heard the expression that insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result.” Part of my frustration when working with new clients is their continued stubborn focus on all the wrong (i.e. non-essential) things when it comes to site. And by extension their business… even after […]
Wednesday Web Marketing Minute – Keywords
In this installment of the web marketing minute I share with you why keyword research is foundational for your online success. Enjoy… Questions or comments? Want more helpful audios or videos? If so leave a comment (or question) below. And if you’d like help with your own website (or getting started with a site)… Let’s […]
4 Easy Ways for How to Create Content for Your Website
On this short audio I share 4 ways for creating content for your website. In short, you can: write a post use Dragonspeak software to “speak” your post into an article (not mentioned during the audio) record an audio (like this one), share on SoundCloud and embed on your site record a screen-capture video, share […]
The Truth About Branding Online vs SEO
When it comes to marketing your business online most people think of branding. But is this the right approach? Or should you rather consider the keyword phrases that real people (your potential customer or client) use when using a search engine when they are looking for a solution to their problem or answer to their […]