In this video I discuss how formatting your content for the web matters. In other words, in order to convert a total stranger into a customer, client or patient starts with someone who finds you online and (hopefully) engages with your content. With this in mind, here are the key elements every blog post should […]
An Actual SEO Content Marketing Example
Hey everybody I guess you could say I’ve been pretty busy. In this video I wrap up the three-part series on how to more effectively use keywords on your website. To recap, the first video basically showed you how the keywords you select appear on Google search. The second video focused on how to choose […]
How to Choose Keywords
Are you updating your site with great content and you’re still not getting the response you want? More visits by more of the people who need and want your services? In other words, Potential CLIENTS? When it comes to getting more CLIENTS TO FIND YOU it comes down to getting more of the right kinds […]
What Are SEO Keywords?
I get asked about how to get more traffic all the time, from new clients to potential clients. And though organic traffic (i.e. traffic generated from search results) is only ONE way to get traffic to your site, it happens to be my favorite. That’s because a handful of keywords to generate evergreen traffic to […]
Using Your Bilingual WordPress Site
Did I recently set up a bilingual website for you? If so here’s a short video that shows you how you can translate your entire admin section to display your native language, along with showing you how to add “special characters” to your copy, i.e. letters that have accent marks. Enjoy… Questions or comments? Want […]