Having a Google friendly website involves more these days than simply adding the right keywords to your site and getting quality backlinks to your site. Sure, that’s still an important, dare I say critical, step. But it’s only a FIRST step. That’s because these days SEO (i.e. getting the right traffic to your site) involves […]
Can Updating Your Website Really Pay Off?
Can making a change to your website actually pay dividends when it comes to leads or sales? The short answer is… that depends. Now, before we go any further I have to point out that one of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to their website is changing something for the sake of […]
Do You Know Which Keywords Drive Your Business?
When I was a kid the only time I could watch cartoons was on Saturday morning. And my favorite cartoon character was Bugs Bunny. So what does this trip down memory lane have to do with getting more targeted traffic to your website? Well, as Bugs would often say when ending up someplace unexpected, “I […]
How to Get More Leads from Your Website
In case you haven’t been following me for the past couple of weeks I recently published a book on how insurance agencies can get more lead through their website. And two people have already been kind enough to leave comments about the book! How cool is that? Well, just last week someone (let’s call her […]
Why Check Your Website Traffic Data?
It almost goes without saying that traffic is the lifeblood for any website. It is, after all, the “fuel” that’s required to make your website “go.” What’s more, if no one finds your site it can’t do the job for which it was intended. But more than that, without getting traffic you can’t figure out […]
What is the Lead Gen Triangle?
So what is the “secret sauce” that can transform a static, seemingly dead website into a lead generation machine? What does it take to get a total stranger — someone you’ve never met and who has most likely never heard of you or your business — to “raise their hand” and take the next step […]