How can Martin Buber’s treatment of the “I–Thou” relationship help you write better copy for the web? “Martin who?” you might be asking. Ok, so Martin Buber is not a house-hold name. And web marketing didn’t even exist when he wrote his ground-breaking book “I and Thou” back in 1958. Yet, his treatment of human […]
How to Create New Content… in 30 Minutes or Less
What is the number one challenge for 99% of people marketing their business online? Care to take a guess? Well, if you’ve been at this as long as I have you already know the answer. That’s right, creating new content for your site (and other off-site “properties” as well). And if you know even a […]
How to Improve Your Bounce Rate
The Most Valuable Real-Estate On Your Website Is… Whatever is Visible Above the FOLD! So what does “above the fold” mean? And how will knowing this term improve your website’s “bounce rate?” The term comes from direct response marketing when folks would send out sales letters. As you might imagine, the “fold” referred to that […]
Web Marketing Minute: Your Target Audience
If you’ve been following our weekly series lately, this week’s topic should come as no surprise: reaching your target audience. Target marketing has been a buzz word for more than a few years. Yet, time and again there are folks who nod their head in agreement when we discuss reaching the right audience, then fail […]