A few days ago a coaching client asked me about how to read her Analytics report. Since this is a very common question I thought it would be helpful to outline for you some key points to focus on when looking at your data. So before getting started log into Google, open up Analytics and […]
Google Analytics
Understanding Google Analytics
Hopefully you already have Google Analytics installed on your site. And if you do, how often do you look at the data? After all, the metrics (i.e. data) that it provides you becomes a road map for you to discover: where your traffic is coming from how “sticky” your site is how well your content […]
Why Check Your Website Traffic Data?
It almost goes without saying that traffic is the lifeblood for any website. It is, after all, the “fuel” that’s required to make your website “go.” What’s more, if no one finds your site it can’t do the job for which it was intended. But more than that, without getting traffic you can’t figure out […]
10 Reasons Why Article Marketing for SEO is Best
Recently a client asked me why my SEO packages (beyond the basic plan) include articles as part of the program. It’s a fair question. After spending about half an hour on the phone with him outlining the reasons why an effective SEO program should include articles I figured our conversation made for good post. So […]
What is Web Analytics?
It never fails to amaze me when a potential client asks me to review their site, and I discover that they do not have any web analytics installed. Why is this the FIRST thing you need after getting your site set up? Let me put it to you this way… Would you drive your car […]
How to Sell Online – Three Ways to Boost Conversions
In a previous post on how to sell online we began by reviewing how sites get found online. More importantly, we discussed that there are only 2 ways to get on the first page of Google (or any other search engine, for that matter). They are… You can optimize your site (takes time, technique and […]