Looking for reliable information about how to create backlinks to your site? During this audio I’ll share with you the ONLY way to easily create backlinks to your site… for FREE. That’s right! The best (and more reliable) way to create Google-friendly backlinks is shared on this short audio, so check it out… The key? […]
Google Page Rank
Is It Time to Update Your Website?
Read on… If you have been following some (or most?) of the articles I’ve posted here over the years you probably have a good sense that my focus is on helping you get more organic traffic to your website. And by “organic” I mean traffic that comes from folks searching online. In the past, I’ve […]
It’s Lonely at the Top
Or… how climbing the “Google ladder” got a whole lot tougher. A number of years ago a friend who owned a restaurant was in dialogue with the people who manage the food vendors at JFK airport. There was a slot open, and my buddy was hoping to get his restaurant in there. Can you imagine […]
How to Choose a Search Engine Optimization Expert
I have been running a professional web marketing company since the beginning of 2008. Since that time I have literally worked with dozens of clients across a broad range of industries: from selling wine online to doctors, cosmetic dentists, attorneys, insurance agencies and more. And though each company or professional practice had a different mission, […]
The Truth About SEO
At least once a month someone contacts me because they want (or need) to get their website on Google’s first page. And typically I’ll hear some horror story about the wasted dollars spent using other “more professional” SEO companies. By “more professional” they usually mean a company with: a large sales force of cold-callers a […]
How to Increase Blog Traffic
If you have a blog (or any other website) it goes without saying that the greatest challenge is getting a consistent flow of traffic to your site. To make matters more difficult for you, information online gets old (obsolete) real fast. For example, in checking out other sites online I found some articles offering tips […]