When it comes to generating leads or sales from your website, a lot of “small” elements all need to work together in order for you to have success. I could make a detailed list for you (as I do for clients), but I don’t want to overwhelm you with too much information. When some people […]
Web Marketing Services
Can You Teach an Old Dog New Tricks?
Not if you want to make any money, online or off. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, “if you have to EDUCATE your customer about what your service or product does and why they need it” you’ve already lost. Big time. Why is that? Today I happened to see a TV commercial […]
Online Article Marketing in a Post Google Panda Update Era
Time and again people ask my why their site doesn’t come up near Google’s first page of results. And time and again they mention how other SEO firms they hired were not able to generate any meaningful results for them. In fact, a new client in NYC spent over $2,000 a month on SEO for […]
SEO Notes from the Trenches
Recently a client asked why I don’t write more articles here, and why I haven’t made a “push” for more SEO business. In other words, why haven’t I optimized my own site for SEO. And that’s a good question, and one that I’m going to answer for you right now, along with some notes and […]
The Five Stages of Internet Marketing Program Grief
Or… the painful realities that most business owners don’t want to face about growing a business online. By way of full disclosure, this article is the result of actually DOING internet marketing for my own business online as well as working with clients since 2008. Most have contacted me after dealing with other companies and […]
Web Marketing 101
Do you want to know how web marketing actually works? Peek behind the curtain, so to speak, and catch a glimpse of the mechanisms that need to work together in order for your site to become an ATM machine? Really? Ok, then sit back and enjoy the ride… Web marketing and Othello Remember Othello? Not […]